About us
Our mission is to provide advanced outdoor gear for enhanced outdoor adventures.
As brothers from a large family, we grew a close bond between us early in life. Like many others, we fell in love with the outdoors-- mostly through Boy Scouts. We learned incredible life skills and how to be good neighbors and citizens from great parents and leaders. We learned that we could build and create things, and when you find something you love, that gets you excited, you go for it! So we did.
We invented the Chameleon Backpack and decided to build a brand despite all of the many roadblocks and reasons not to. The reasons NOT to do something ALWAYS seem to creep into the mind, but we decided to press on. Raising young kids at the same time as building a brand is for sure challenging but we've learned and grown in ways we couldn't have otherwise.
As our lives and our adventures change, we've evolved and changed. There becomes a need for more evolved, advanced and sustainable gear to get the most out of life and leisure. At TRAILFORM, we meet that challenge head on.
We believe happiness is not reaching a final destination, but it is found in the journey itself. Many of our best memories and highlights in life occur in the outdoors with the people we care most about. It's our goal to provide new, innovative, adaptable, high quality products that will enhance and simplify your every outdoor experience. We want to help make your adventures better, more comfortable and more frequent so they become more memorable.